This post presents an enhanced Python script for interacting with Microsoft SQL Server using the pymssql
library. This improved script is based on the original MSSQL Shell Script by Alamot. My modified version introduces the use of the more modern and maintained pymssql
library and added functionality for file uploads, ensuring that commands and file transfers are handled smoothly. The code has been tested with Python 3.11.9.

Key Differences from the Original Script
Use of pymssql
: The original script used older libraries to connect to MSSQL, which were not fully compatible with modern Python versions. The updated script uses pymssql
, which works seamlessly with Python 3.11.9 and beyond.
Improved Error Handling: The new version includes better error handling, particularly when enabling xp_cmdshell
and when there are database errors during command execution.
The function base64.encodestring()
: was replaced with base64.encodebytes()
to ensure compatibility with Python 3.9 and later versions.
#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function
# Author: Alamot
# Use pymssql >= 1.0.3 (otherwise it doesn't work correctly)
# To upload a file, type: UPLOAD local_path remote_path
# e.g. UPLOAD myfile.txt C:\temp\myfile.txt
# If you omit the remote_path it uploads the file on the current working folder.
import pymssql
import base64
import shlex
import sys
import tqdm
import hashlib
from io import open
try: input = raw_input
except NameError: pass
BUFFER_SIZE = 5*1024
def process_result(cursor):
username = ""
computername = ""
cwd = ""
rows = cursor.fetchall()
for row in rows[:-3]:
columns = list(row)
if row[-1]:
if len(rows) >= 3:
(username, computername) = rows[-3][-1].split('|')
cwd = rows[-2][-1]
return (username.rstrip(), computername.rstrip(), cwd.rstrip())
def upload(cursor, stored_cwd, local_path, remote_path):
print("Uploading "+local_path+" to "+remote_path)
cmd = 'type nul > "' + remote_path + '.b64"'
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell '"+cmd+"'")
with open(local_path, 'rb') as f:
data =
md5sum = hashlib.md5(data).hexdigest()
b64enc_data = b"".join(base64.encodebytes(data).split()).decode()
print("Data length (b64-encoded): "+str(len(b64enc_data)/1024)+"KB")
for i in tqdm.tqdm(range(0, len(b64enc_data), BUFFER_SIZE), unit_scale=BUFFER_SIZE/1024, unit="KB"):
cmd = 'echo '+b64enc_data[i:i+BUFFER_SIZE]+' >> "' + remote_path + '.b64"'
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell '"+cmd+"'")
cmd = 'certutil -decode "' + remote_path + '.b64" "' + remote_path + '"'
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell 'cd "+stored_cwd+" & "+cmd+" & echo %username%^|%COMPUTERNAME% & cd'")
cmd = 'certutil -hashfile "' + remote_path + '" MD5'
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell 'cd "+stored_cwd+" & "+cmd+" & echo %username%^|%COMPUTERNAME% & cd'")
if md5sum in [row[-1].strip() for row in cursor.fetchall() if row[-1]]:
print("MD5 hashes match: " + md5sum)
print("ERROR! MD5 hashes do NOT match!")
def enable_xp_cmdshell(cursor):
# Ensure no active transaction before enabling xp_cmdshell
cursor.execute("IF @@TRANCOUNT > 0 ROLLBACK;")
# Enable xp_cmdshell
cursor.execute("EXEC sp_configure 'show advanced options',1; RECONFIGURE;")
cursor.execute("EXEC sp_configure 'xp_cmdshell',1; RECONFIGURE;")
print("xp_cmdshell enabled.")
except pymssql.DatabaseError as e:
print(f"Failed to enable xp_cmdshell: {str(e)}")
def shell():
conn = None
stored_cwd = None
conn = pymssql.connect(server=MSSQL_SERVER, user=MSSQL_USERNAME, password=MSSQL_PASSWORD)
cursor = conn.cursor()
print("Successful login: "+MSSQL_USERNAME+"@"+MSSQL_SERVER)
# Enable xp_cmdshell
# Execute initial commands
cmd = 'echo %username%^|%COMPUTERNAME% & cd'
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell '"+cmd+"'")
(username, computername, cwd) = process_result(cursor)
stored_cwd = cwd
while True:
cmd = input("CMD "+username+"@"+computername+" "+cwd+"> ").rstrip("\n").replace("'", "''")
if not cmd:
cmd = "call" # Dummy cmd command
if cmd.lower()[0:4] == "exit":
elif cmd[0:6] == "UPLOAD":
upload_cmd = shlex.split(cmd, posix=False)
if len(upload_cmd) < 3:
upload(cursor, stored_cwd, upload_cmd[1], stored_cwd+"\\"+upload_cmd[1])
upload(cursor, stored_cwd, upload_cmd[1], upload_cmd[2])
cmd = "echo *** UPLOAD PROCEDURE FINISHED ***"
cursor.execute("EXEC xp_cmdshell 'cd "+stored_cwd+" & "+cmd+" & echo %username%^|%COMPUTERNAME% & cd'")
(username, computername, cwd) = process_result(cursor)
stored_cwd = cwd
except pymssql.DatabaseError as e:
print(f"Database error: {str(e)}")
if conn:
I want to extend a special thanks to Alamot for the original MSSQL Shell Script that served as the foundation for this improved version. The original code provided a solid base to work from and allowed for these enhancements to be implemented seamlessly.
To everyone reading this post, I hope this updated script proves helpful in your work with MSSQL. If you have any questions or further suggestions for improvements, feel free to reach out. Wishing you all the best in your coding journey, and may your scripts always run smoothly!
Happy coding!