Deploying Secure Red Team Infrastructure
Welcome to a new post, where we are going to see how to deploy a secure Red Team infrastructure. We will se how to deploy legit services to perform phishing …
Perseguimos la "In-Seguridad" informática
Welcome to a new post, where we are going to see how to deploy a secure Red Team infrastructure. We will se how to deploy legit services to perform phishing …
Welcome to this new post where I am going to talk about how you can overkill the OSCP+. I will drive you through the material that I used and I …
Welcome to this post where we will see how to exploit the token «SeBackupPrivilege». We will see how to exploit it manually inside the compromised machine and the second method …
This post presents an enhanced Python script for interacting with Microsoft SQL Server using the pymssql library. This improved script is based on the original MSSQL Shell Script by Alamot. My modified version introduces the use …
¡Hola a todos! Hoy vamos a meternos en el mundo de WordPress con este nuevo post «Hacking WordPress – Guía de explotación básica», pero desde una perspectiva un poco diferente. …
¡Hola! Hoy vamos a sumergirnos en el fascinante mundo de SQLMap, una herramienta indispensable para aquellos que se dedican a garantizar la seguridad de las bases de datos y, por …
AV Bypass con Veil – ¡Bienvenidos! – Hoy nos embarcamos en un viaje fascinante a través del mundo de Veil Framework, una herramienta imprescindible en el arsenal de cualquier profesional …
Hoy, me complace profundizar en «¿Cómo preparar la certificación eCPPTv2 (Certified Professional Penetration Tester)?», una credencial que he obtenido recientemente y que ha marcado un punto de inflexión significativo en …
Pivoting with Metasploit and proxy chains is a sophisticated technique used by penetration testers to navigate through a network by leveraging a compromised system. This post will introduce the art …
Diving deep into the realms of ⚔️ HackTheBox 👽, I took on one of its most challenging monsters: Reddish! After a week of intense battles, deciphering and decoding, I can …
El pivoting es más que una simple técnica; es un arte. Actúa como un puente, permitiendo a los profesionales de seguridad superar las barreras que les separan de sus objetivos …
The realm of cybersecurity is as vast as it is intriguing, and every once in a while, a challenge comes along that truly tests our mettle as ethical hackers. Such …