Pivoting with Metasploit and proxy chains is a sophisticated technique used by penetration testers to navigate through a network by leveraging a compromised system. This post will introduce the art …
Diving deep into the realms of ⚔️ HackTheBox 👽, I took on one of its most challenging monsters: Reddish! After a week of intense battles, deciphering and decoding, I can …
Just tackled the ‘Inject’ machine on #HackTheBox. Loved the exploration of high ports and the challenge of the injection exploitation! If you’re into #CTF, this is a must try! 🚀 …
Hey there, Cyber Warriors! 🚀 Get ready for a thrilling exploration of MonitorsTwo, a remarkable CTF challenge from Hack The Box! A test of wits and cybersecurity skills, MonitorsTwo takes …